Tuesday, May 27, 2008

posting again!!

Tuesday May 27th 6pm

Remember a few posts ago when i said it was fall and cold...well i lied. Its almost winter and not cold. When i wrote that post it had been raining forever and thats why it was chilly. its been like a splendid northeast spring day ever since. the breeze makes daytime a little brisk, but not the fall brisk those of us from the northeast are used to.

this fall is a fraud! its not fall! its fake fall! thats alright. i will just appreciate autumn much more when i get back to the states. it is my favorite time of year...aside from summer...summer is always fantastic! i am however, not looking forward to summer here; its supposed to be really hot and humid. i am sure i will be posting my misery when that time rolls around.

today is tuesday...so we all know what that means...MOVIE NIGHT! yay. theres a handful of us from Uni going to see Indiana Jones. It better be worlds better than last weeks movie.

i have also been feeling a bit nostalgic i suppose and have been trying to find people from my past on myspace and facebook and whatnot. perhaps it might be my way of dealing with a mild case of homesickness.

Mohammad and i went out friday night to Pavillion in the city. He was amazingly indecisive that night and didnt know if he wanted to drive in or take the bus. so we get in the car and drive to the petrol station so he can fill up so we can drive to the city. then he decided that it would be a better idea to take the bus. so in the end we just got in his car to put petrol in it...BUT i like to think there is a reason for everything. the petrol station had a car wash...here it is...

If we did not drive to the petrol station just to get petrol...we wouldve never seen the Ho wash!!

Sunday, I met up with Erin and we went to Paddys market. i bought some socks. we tried to haggle a little because thats what you do at the market...but they werent having it that day. perhaps we need to practice a little more. There were Chinese dancers on the sidewalk (Paddys is in Chinatown) and they were performing for donations for the earthquake victims.

Some of you have been yelling at me a little cuz i dont post pictures of myself. But, in my defense it is difficult to get in the picture you are taking!! i promise i will try to do better. for now i will post i picture i took of myself in my bathroom on saturday night. yes, i was absolutely bored and attempting to amuse myself.

Hello everyone!!!

Friday, May 23, 2008


Friday May 23 520pm

This post is for Courtney!
Happy brand new baby day!!
Haley Pellett...beautiful.

Melissa sent me pics and i am sooo very happy to be an "auntie" again!

i love you

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

a welcomed theobromine overdose

Wednesday May 21 2008 410pm

Yes. i just posted. but i have actual stories to tell now! i figured it would be good to separate the ShoutOuts or the post would be very long and no one would read.

A bunch of us from Uni went to a Sydney Swans game at the beginning of the month. They are the local AFL (australian footbal league) team. Looks like rugby, same ball as rugby, but not rugby. Its Aussie rules. Basically, these tall, skinny, muscle guys run and kick the ball to each other on a round field. the point is to kick the ball through the two tall posts at either "end" of the circle. its really a fantastic, fast paced game. virtually no penalties and the guys throw each other around and fight for the ball and everything. best part; no padding or helmets!! Also, since i am not a student i had to get an adult ticket. There were only two of us there with adult tickets, the rest were student tickets...naturally they called us mommy and daddy the whole trip. kinda cute. the names seem to have stuck; at least in my research group anyway.

Went to the movies to see Iron Man. Mohammad likes to remind everyone he is gold titanium alloy man. funny funny. Good movie. That movie i was happy to see in the theater. Stoj, Eli, Mohammad, Grace and I also went to see Shutter. Awful. Please dont waste your money. Dionne, i know you LOVE horror movies; i promise this one is a waste of your time. Honestly, just watch The Ring and The Grudge back to back.

Heres Eli, Stoj, Mohammad and Grace last week when we all went out to dinner. we then went to Brighton Beach or La Peruse Beach (they all run together, i dont know where one ends and the other begins!)

I also want to send a big big terrific hello and thank yo to Nina! ha! she sent me a care package from da 'Cuse and it was everything a NYer in Sydney could ever want. Yummy chocolates (most of which have been consumed by now) of the exotic variety and Reeses!! There isnt any peanut butter & chocolate here...i have to combine Nutella and peanut butter myself! Neosporin (cuz im not going to a doctor for a prescription!) salt (if you know me, you know i hate salt and i hate it when YOU use too much salt!) oh and THANKS MATT; Nina said the salt was your idea! and a squished space needle penny. I adore squished pennies. Also included was a card hand made by her sister. Its not in the photo, but shoulda been, cuz its so darn cute!

Work has been going ok. The porous formates continue to be stubborn and do not want to be prepared. I am getting a quad box in order to do some calculations. thank goodness; progress here i come!!

miss you all and love you


Wednesday, May 21, 2008 344pm

Hey again.
Yeah, i realize im not very good at this blogging thing. it might help if i get internet in my apartment. someday. right now i am kinda cavewomaning it. no tv, no phone, no internet, no pots, no pans...and guess what! its fantastic! for the most part.

i have updated my myspace, facebook and friendster accounts recently. i figure if i actually want to keep in touch with people i suppose i should give them a way to find me.

I have a bunch of ShoutOuts to make as well. Here it goes!

First MATTY WATTY!!! happy birthday (May 3rd) AND even more important, congrats on passing your second year oral examination. I had no doubts!! rock on! you will soon be Dr. Matty Watty!

Melissa dearest happy birthday to you too!!! (May 4th) I am super sad that i wasnt able to celebrate with you. Hope your weekend was great!

Cousin Lauren is the big 13! (May 4th yes?) so shout out to her and i hope all her wishes come true for her big teen year! xoxo

Mothers day was May 11, so happy mothers day to Mom, Grandma and Mom Keith! yay for moms!! cuz if it werent for them life wouldnt be as cool.

Happy Wedding to Carrie and Nish (May 17th). I hope it is everything you could ever want and more!! horray!!! promise i will visit soon and make you show me pictures.

Happy Happy birthday to Tom J. (may 17th) if i was home he woulda gotten a phone call and Keith and I woulda made him come out to hear a local band!

Brendans birthday was monday (may 19th) so super happy birthday to you! Havent seen you since your fantastic wedding; hope everything is terrific!

Emmanuels birthday was tuesday (may 20th) so i send birthday wishes to him as well!! Hope everything is great with your adventures to the land of MDs!

phew!! thats it for this month i think. of course if i left anyone out it was not on purpose, you just were not written in my date book. so lemme know and i will put you down for next year!!

of course i have to holla at Keith because he always deserves a ShoutOut. always thinking of you xoxo love you!!!
